We Are BU

Born from an undying passion for helping companies find their leadership footing. Steeped in a steadfast desire to bring humanity to every workplace. And a purveyor of creating open, not-at-all-stilted communication to every boardroom, meeting and one on one, the world over.

We Are Everything You Never Expected.


We Are Humanity Focused.

While foosball and sweet coffee brands in the kitchen are helpful, they do not a culture make. It takes communication, interaction and some serious dedication to make everyone feel the warming glow of belonging to get same-pageness happening.


We are ROI Driven.

If you haven’t gotten it yet, this isn’t some fluff-driven, kumbaya movement happening here. Everything we do is in service of your bottom line. When employees feel like they’re part of something, they’ll kill it for you. And they won’t go looking elsewhere.


We Are Not Stopping. Ever.

We’re annoyingly stubborn that way-an unyielding bunch with a deep belief in what we’re doing and who we’re doing it with. Coupled with an uncompromising sense of responsibility to the companies and CEOs of tomorrow, we refuse to let culture and humanity become a “nice-to-have.”


The BU Team

Rob Dwortz
Co-Founder, Partner
Jodi DeRoo
Lead Facilitator
Mike Novakoski
Co-Founder, Partner
Danielle Bouwhuis
Partner | Director of Customer Success
Mark Van Holstyn
Director of Technology
Craig Nelson
Software Developer
Mark VanDellen
Lead Facilitator
Kimberly Morgan
Customer Success Manager
Leslie Lynch
Lead Facilitator